I love finding ways to support my writing practice. Here are a great idea and a free gift to help you.
Here is a writing calendar that I hope help you make 2019 the year of writing. I adapted it from an idea my daughter found on Pinterest.
Download it, print it out, then mark each day you write – mark each day you do some writing – if you write down one idea, a single sentence, or half a page, it is still writing!
This tool is simple but its power comes in how you approach it.
Use it as a stick to beat yourself and your journey will be harder, use it to encourage your endeavours and it will help! Get your free writing inspiration tool here.
The Tomato Timer
Also known as The Pomodoro Technique. Developed by Francesco Cirillo during the 1980s, and inspired by his mother’s tomato-shaped kitchen timer, this breaks work down into intervals, usually of 25 minutes each.
This technique makes tasks manageable – you don’t have to complete a song cycle, a poetry collection or a novel, you only focus on the next 25 minutes. It can also transform your relationship with writing. Working in chunks of time pulls your focus onto PROCESS and not result.
Here is a link to a free ‘Tomato Timer’ you can access on your phone or laptop when you want to write: https://tomato-timer.com/
Retraining our relationship with writing is the main focus in my online course and my taught workshops. I am now taking bookings for my first workshop of 2019
Saturday 26 January, 09.30-12.30, at the Burness Parish Rooms, 38 The St, Melton, Woodbridge IP12 1PW, Suffolk) Book here.
The Burness Parish Rooms are about two minutes from the Woods Lane roundabout on the A12 at Woodbridge, Suffolk, and there is plenty of free parking.
Directions to the Burness Parish Rooms here